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Skandika Rudergerät Regatta Multi Gym Poseidon, mehrfarbig, 130 x 45 x 95 cmItem Name

ProduktdetailsSkandika Rudergerät Regatta Multi Gym Poseidon, mehrfarbig, 130 x 45 x 95 cm


The vision of Skandika Fitness is to provide you with the very best equipment for the development of your body, health and well-being in your own home. The Regatta Multigym Poseidon Rower by Skandika Fitness is the perfect training partner to get fit and stay in shape.The Regatta Poseidon gives a realistic and intense simulation of rowing providing a great workout for the entire body. Rowing is the ultimate total body workout: the Regatta Poseidon trains up to 86% of your body's muscles.A total body workout is achieved through simultaneous training of your legs, upper body and torso (core training), back muscles and abdominals. Two additional pull handles and standing positions give a variety of other exercises to tailor a workout to your i...Produkt-Eigenschaften

  • Trainingscomputer
  • Klappvorrichtung
  • geräuscharmes Polyfiber Zugsystem
  • variable Handgriffe

Die Einzelteile Skandika Rudergerät Regatta Multi Gym Poseidon, mehrfarbig, 130 x 45 x 95 cm Überzeugt die hohe Qualität und den besten Preis. Hier haben wir das Produkt, das Sie zufrieden stellen wird.
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Skandika Rudergerät Regatta Multi Gym Poseidon, mehrfarbig, 130 x 45 x 95 cm

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